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Eyes - the eyes are one of the most important parts of an animal's body. Look for signs of discharge, redness, infections and eyelid abnormalities

Teeth - dogs have 28 temporary teeth and 42 permanent teeth. Puppies start to develop their ‘puppy teeth’ between 3 to 6 weeks of age

Ear Disease - signs include constant shaking of the head, scratching of the ear, black debris in the ear, pepper-like deposits in the ear, a build-up of wax in the ear, secretions from the ear, parasites such as ticks, an odour coming from the ear, the ear is dark, red, irritated or hot to the touch, when you touch the ear the dog cries or tries to bite, swelling inside or outside the ear

Skin disorders - signs include excessive licking, skin parasites, skin infections, hot spots, lumps, masses, tumours, cysts, abscesses, colour changes to the skin, dry flaky skin, oily/greasy skin, poor self-grooming, itching and loose hair

Fleas - You can easily spot fleas in your pet's coat by separating the hair. They are commonly found on the back just above the tail where you’ll likely see the small, dark fleas and blackened flea droppings, which may look like fine-ground black pepper. The pet may also show other signs of flea infestations through excessive biting and scratch



Diarrhoea - diarrhea can be a sign of many illnesses. It can be caused by fear or stress. If the dog is normal in every other way, try offering mashed pumpkin or yogurt to settle the tummy. Cooked, deboned chicken & boiled rice may tempt a picky eater. Never force-feed. If diarrhoea persists then get a vet. Puppies are especially at risk of dehydration. There is no time to lose in the case of a puppy!

Sand Fleas - sand fleas are parasitic animals that feed on blood. Although they usually feed on aquatic animals, they also can burrow into a dog's skin and eat his flesh and blood. Along the way, they can cause skin problems and secondary infections. Sand fleas can also cause leishmaniasis, a serious illness that causes large skin lesions to form on the skin of infected people. Other signs of the disease include anemia, and liver and spleen damage. Sand fleas on dogs require veterinary attention to be removed safely, since you may give your dog an infection if you try to remove the fleas yourself.


  • Dogs that have been bitten by sand fleas can show a variety of symptoms, such as:

  • Black dots under their skin (this is where the fleas are)

  • Fever

  • Mosquito-like bites

  • White lumps at the bite site

  • Scratching



Dogs can be allergic to many things e.g. grass, nylon carpets, food additives. A skin rash can sometimes be soothed with petroleum jelly. Try to find the cause of the allergy by elimination. Try a different kind of food for a month to see if there is any improvement. A flea bite can cause an allergic reaction, so make sure your dog is always protected against fleas. Internal worms can also cause irritations so de-worm your dog regularly.


If injured, a dog can produce an alarming amount of blood! Avoid places where there may be broken glass, rusty tins, and thorns. A small cut should heal by itself. The dog keeps it clean and germ-free by licking it. But if the bleeding does not stop, stitches may be required. The vet may administer antibiotics to prevent infection in the wound. Slow clotting and von Willebrand’s disease can lead to the dog losing too much blood, so do not leave a dog alone if the bleeding is profuse.


Coughing is not always a sign of illness. A dog may cough to dislodge something from its throat or stomach. Try offering something interesting to drink to wash the impediment out. If the dog won't drink, a piece of dry bread may dislodge the foreign body from the throat. Never force-feed, though! A dog may eat grass and cough it up again to clean out the stomach. It may cough up yellow bile or froth. These things are natural. Some dogs start coughing when excited. This is not an illness. But a persistent cough may be a sign of illness. It can be a sign of heart trouble. Tonsillitis can also cause a gagging cough. So can a collapsing trachea - usually in small breeds.

Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused by tooth decay and gum disease. The bacteria breeding in the dog's mouth can spread to infect his vital organs. Ask your vet to check teeth every time you go. Dogs over the age of three years start to get tooth trouble. Bad breath can also be caused by whatever food has been eaten. Sometimes a change of diet helps. Crunching dry biscuits can help to scrape the tartar on the teeth.

Urine Problems

Blood in the urine is a bad sign. Loss of appetite, increase in water intake, increase in the frequency of urinating, and vomiting, can be signs of kidney trouble. This can be fatal if not treated. Elderly dogs become incontinent. Consider installing a doggy door so the dog can get outside quickly. Incontinence may be caused by UTI, urinary tract infection. Antibiotics should help. If the dog is unable to pass urine, the bladder could burst. The urethra may be blocked with kidney/bladder stones. A vet should be consulted without delay. A special diet may help prevent this.

Heat Stroke

Don’t leave a dog in a parked car. The shade moves and the car heat up fast and can kill. Don't exercise the dog in hot weather. Shade must be provided in the garden. When a dog overheats, damage to internal organs may occur. The dog may collapse, pant, and have a wild look in his eyes. Douse him down with a hosepipe or plunge him into a cool or cold water. Wet the groin. Ice will cause the arteries to contract and is to be avoided. The dog may lie on a wet towel, but don't cover him with the towel. It is better to allow the water to evaporate which has a cooling effect.

Winter Grooming

Dog's coat is thicker and heavier In the winter, your dog will shed his summer coat in order to grow a thicker and heavier winter coat to get them through the cold season, the coat is more likely to become matted or knotted and with fleas. Grooming and brushing your dog daily during the winter, will making the coat healthier and hygienically clean.

Behavior Problems

Most dogs behavior and personality are different when it comes to the grooming, don’t be surprised if your dog act differently after the grooming to some dogs it may look funny to see their body without hair and given the fact that it is cooler now than it was, probably just feels funny with all of the hair gone. Sometimes it takes them a few trips to the groomer before they realize that nothing was hurting them and that they are okay, also treat your dog the same as you treated before the grooming do not pay attention or worry about it as you will make the dog behave differently.

Frightened Dog

When your dog is frightened, will behave in a variety of ways, may become very agitated and restless, barking loudly or being reluctant to leave your side. The pupils of the eyes will dilate, and the dog will flatten the ears against the head and put the tail between the legs

Top 10 Banned Breeds

In the late 1980s, an epidemic of attacks by Pit Bull type dogs, and other related breeds led to widespread bans. In 1991, the Parliament of the United Kingdom banned the ownership of Japanese Tosa Inus, Argentine Dogos, Fila Brasilieros and Pit Bulls, with many other countries following suit soon after. Even in areas where having such dogs is legal, it can be nearly impossible for homeowners to get liability insurance if they own one of the breeds below.

10 American Bulldog - 09 Bandog - 08 Neapolitan Mastiff - 07 Wolfdog - 06 Boerboel - 05 Dogo Argentino
04 Presa Canario - 03 FilaBrasiliero - 02 Japanese Tosa Inu - 01 American Pit Bull Terrier

Ayla's Pet Groomers

115 -117 Dulwich Road
London SE24 0NG
Call us on: 074 1588 2375


32 Bromell's Road
London SW4 0BN
Mob: 074 4282 2745


Welcome to our Professional Grooming Services for Dogs and Cats. We are committed to delivering exceptional care and grooming to ensure your pets look and feel their best. Our skilled team prioritizes a positive grooming experience for every pet. Schedule an appointment today to provide your furry companions with the quality pampering they deserve.

For additional information regarding the booking process or any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at the number listed above. We are committed to providing you with the assistance you need. Thank you for your interest.

Ayla's Team.

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